essay on importance of education in nepal


essay on importance of education in nepal

The term "education" simply describes the teaching and learning process. It teaches practical information about human behavior, nature, and the means of making a good life. Both institutional sources, like schools and universities, as well as informal ones, like families and communities, can provide education. A good education contains both theoretical and practical knowledge.

The greatest creature on Earth is the human being. However, he or she needs to be polished/refined with the light of education in order to climb above the level of other beings. Mahatma Gandhi believed that education is the process that brings forth the greatest qualities in people—body, mind, and spirit. Actually, education removes ignorance and enlightens the individual. It makes it possible for someone to distinguish between right and wrong. A well-educated person is aware of the value of health. Additionally, education develops a person's honesty, discipline, and duty.

Education is essential in every field. People become skillful, productive, and creative as a result, in addition to becoming knowledgeable, intelligent, and decent. People with education can easily get work and make good money. They are able to use the resources at their hands most effectively. They are difficult to trick by others. They are not likely to develop negative habits either. Since they have acquired a variety of life skills, they are able to overcome obstacles, advance, and lead happier and more fruitful lives. In their civilization, they are revered. Thus, according to a Sanskrit verse (Vidya dadati vinayam...), education grants upon a person decorum; decorum then yields worthiness; worthiness then brings about prosperity; and ultimately, wealth bestows upon a person joy.

Because they can best utilize other available tools and resources, educated people are regarded as a nation's greatest resource. For instance, advanced education is a major factor in the development of nations like America, Britain, and Japan, but inadequate education contributes to the backwardness of nations like Nepal and many South Asian and African nations. Due to its ability to provide the wide range of skilled laborers required for a country's development, education is regarded as the most important form of infrastructure.

Education is also important for democracy to function. Only educated individuals may exercise their right to vote in a more intelligent manner. They aid in the formation of informed public opinion that can effectively direct the government. They contribute positively to administrative and developmental tasks. Additionally, educated people possess civic virtues like tolerance, empathy, and cooperation. They are aware of the social vices and perversions, such as drug misuse, prejudice against women, and superstition. Therefore, the finest tool for social transformation is education.

Today, education is regarded as a fundamental human right and a basic human need. It is the secret to progress, a representation of civilization, a source of livelihood, and the origin of all happiness. It is the best form of wealth one can have and the third eye of everyone. Another Sanskrit poem that is pertinent in this context is Na chauraharyam na cha rajahari, which translates as "education is neither separable, nor taxable and dividable, but expandable at expense." To sum up, education is the greatest and most distinctive form of wealth for any person and country.

essay on importance of education in nepal (PDF)

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