Happiness essay



Happiness is a condition in which people don't have any wishes. Happiness is a precious inner feeling. It is totally different from comfort. Most people have wrong notations about happiness. They think that when they have sufficient wealth, they can be happy but real happiness doesn't come from material sources, live money, or possession. It comes from internal peace and a feeling of stability. It is the condition where the mind is in complete repose without any desire and hankering in life.


  • Happiness comes from internal peace and a feeling of stability.
  • It can last only a short period of time
  • It means to live life positively. 
  • It lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort feelings.

Religious people define happiness as an understanding of god and attainment of soul search. In Buddhist philosophy, happiness is the attainment of nirvana, the final point of knowledge. From a religious standpoint, there is no happiness in the world. The world is full of illusion. It is full of false Knowledge, The real happiness comes from the negation or rejection from the world, and understanding the deep meaning of life. If one is involved in world business, he is never to get real happiness. Real happiness is obtained when our mind is free from the problems of life. Happiness can last in only a short time.

Real happiness is the mental state when one is free from all the expectations of life. Some people think that happiness is to get whatever things one wants in life. People think modern life is a hill of happiness as we are living a better life. In modern times, people are suffering from different mental problems like depression and other neurotic problems There could be several definitions of happiness, but happiness is the internal feeling. It cannot be achieved by external things though for the short time one can be happy. So, the material definition of happiness is related to gaining or achieving something. However, this cannot be permanent happiness in life.

Happiness also indicates the status of the mind in which one is free from desires and wants. Some people also hold the view that happiness is to live life with a positive feeling. It is also a good idea. So, there can be different interpretations of happiness. At last, happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort. To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one's family, to bring peace to all one must first discipline and control one's own mind. If one can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.

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