essay on climate change for nepali student


Essay on climate change for nepali student 

One of the delicate issues affecting the future of our planet is climate change. Climate Change is the result of combining the terms "climate" and "change." While change refers to the alteration, climate refers to the typical atmospheric weather conditions over a wide area. Thus, the term "climate change" refers to the overall alteration of earth's atmospheric conditions. Climates vary naturally over time, but because of human activity, climates are changing often and in an uncontrolled manner. This has a number of negative impacts on both people and the environment. This is also one of the causes for the everyday extinction of numerous species of animals and plants.

The earth has undergone enormous geographic and atmospheric change since it was created. As time passed, humans gradually emerged through evolution and were the first and only species to possess such brilliant minds needed to carry out tasks, communicate with others, interact socially, and, most importantly, have the ability to create new things. The brain's power enabled humans to advance, dominate the food chain, and create a variety of useful scientific tools. We have progressed from utilizing stone spears to mechanized weapons in the twenty-first century, all thanks to the brain. Industries have been transformed by us. But we have also brought about a number of changes to the climate and the natural world with this transformation. Since the turn of the 20th century, pollution has increased. Since the turn of the 20th century, weather patterns have undergone tremendous alteration. Humans constantly use nature without giving it anything in return.

Nature is responsible for the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we stand on, and the life we lead. However, all that people have done is pollute the planet. Industries are being erected without the right plans and policies, which releases a lot of garbage into the air. Environmental pollution is a result of natural disasters like landslides, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. The ozone layer, which protects us from the sun's harmful UV rays, is destroyed by the substances discharged into the atmosphere. Such rays can cause our bodies to become poisonous, allergies, burns, and even lifelong eye damage. This alone demonstrates how detrimental it is to a person. Crop yield is also hampered by UV radiation. The goal of ending world hunger will be far off if food yield is lower. Chromosome damage, or DNA damage, is another effect that it may have.

The earth's temperature is being raised by the greenhouse gases that are released by automobiles and industry. We can observe a number of changes in the ecology when the temperature rises. The more heated the earth becomes, the more the winds affect the temperature and weather. The cycle of rain also changes as a result of changes in wind patterns. Rain falls in different places at different times depending on the wind patterns that affect the rain clouds. Some locations experience drought, while others flood. Water levels are maintained and renewed in large part by rainfall.

Without it, the jungle becomes a lifeless area with dried flora and dead trees. Sea levels are rising as a result of landscape change and polar cap melting. Rising sea levels pose a number of dangers. Due to the ice progressively melting, polar species will be in risk, and nations like the Maldives would submerge. Overall, climate change will cause a number of detrimental effects to the planet. As jungles become deserts and as deserts become fruitful land, plants and animals will gradually go extinct. The unpredictable, harsh weather that will occur will also jeopardize our human lives.

Although it is hard to completely stop industrial and automobile exhausts, we can utilize a variety of strategies and plans to reduce them while we search for a permanent solution. Because of this, afforestation is essential. Afforestation benefits environment, future generations of humans through the provision of lumber and other products, as well as animals and their habitat. They take in dangerous gases and convert them into oxygen that humans can breathe with. To lessen the amount of hazardous compounds in the air, vehicles and companies can think about employing static filters. People need to be conscious of the individual level as well. They ought to be educated about the effects of climate change, taught how to recycle, and take steps to lessen pollution. Reduced pollution puts less stress on the environment as a whole, improving both human and ecosystem health. Even while we cannot stop nature's processes, we should still make every effort to slow down and combat climate change.

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