Forest Of Nepal essay

forest of nepal

Forest of Nepal

"Green Forest is Nepal's wealth"

Forests are necessary not only for humans but also for a variety of animals and birds. Today, the dense forest like yesterday is lost and eroded. Due to the lack of proper protection and promotion, the forest is becoming desolate day by day. Due to this, Nepalese have to face the problems of not getting rain on time, even if it happens, there will be excess rain and drought. In the same way, many people today have to face the situation of facing floods and landslides and the problem of natural disasters

Even the most valuable herbs in the forest have been destroyed, and even the rare wildlife has become extinct. Therefore, the green forest is our invaluable asset and it should be properly protected and promoted. And only forests can be properly protected and the proverb that green forests are the wealth of Nepal can be meaningful.

Forests are also a major source of income in Nepal. From this man can earn not only animal feed but also foreign exchange. As Nepal is an agricultural country, it has directly or indirectly helped the people in the agricultural sector. In fact, due to the abundance of forests in Nepal, it can be said that a huge source of water has flowed in the rivers and streams here.

Today, only if the forests are properly protected from various communities, the immense herbs hidden inside can be obtained. Great benefits can be gained only by its proper utilization. Similarly, the teams here can protect wildlife. Many herbs, such as resuscitation, can be obtained from the forest, and medicines can be obtained to fight deadly diseases such as cancer and AIDS. But not understanding the importance of the forest and working for the sake of momentary selfishness, its destruction by human beings is increasing day by day. Rare wildlife and invaluable medicines are not being properly protected from this.

In fact, from forest to human society, not only firewood and grass can be used to make many kinds of goods, small industries, etc. can also be run. But indiscriminate deforestation is hurting Nepal's economy. The same deforestation has also affected the environment and human life is in crisis. The state has to bear the loss of property due to floods and landslides every year.

More and more animals and birds, which are invaluable assets in the forest, are gradually disappearing, nature is becoming desolate. In such a situation, it is appropriate for the human community to give the forest importance to the local resident and the forest user committee for its proper protection and consolidation.

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