Nepal essay | Nepal's beauty

 Nepal Essay

 Nepal is divided into three distinct regions low-lying plain in the south, moderate hills in the center, and the world's highest mountains in the north. Crossing Nepal south to north is thus like climbing a ladder. Within the three main ecological zones, there are many local variations of landform such as valleys, river basins, gorges, tars, marshes, meadows, and plateaus.

nepal essay

Owing to diverse land topography, Nepal has a great variety of climate and that of vegetation, too. High mountains in the north always covered in snow are extremely cold. Areas just below the snowline have poor tundra vegetation. Short distances over there have varied climates and vegetations. The bases which are a little warmer are extensive grasslands or areas of coniferous forest. In the center across east-west, there are moderate hills with cool climates and deciduous monsoon forest while the low-lying flat plain of the Terai is hot and wet and contains dense sub-tropical evergreen forest.

nepal essay

Nepal hosts diverse flora and fauna. The three forest belts of the country are representative of the varieties of the world's forests on the whole world. This small territory possesses 5800 varieties of angiosperms. Here medicinal plants and rare plants such as cordyceps-


Himalayan yew, serpentinea , panch aunle are found. So far, about 8500 different species of birds have been recorded in Nepal. There are 181 species of mammals and above 6,000 kinds of moths. Kande Vyakur (endangered bird), spotted tiger, one-horned rhino, red panda, monitor lizard, and Asiatic Rock Python are among the rare species of fauna sheltered by Nepal's diverse topography. More flora and fauna are yet to be discovered.
Nepal is also home to many castes and sub-castes of people belonging mainly to the Indo-European and Tibeto-Burmese family.
nepal essay

Thus, Nepal is a small world in itself. The diversity of its geography and culture should not be a source of tensions and divisions. It should rather be utilized as a valuable resource for the country's development and its grandeur. Each community should be friendly, tolerant, and harmonious to others. Traditionally Nepalese are known for their unity in diversity.

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