Child Labor: A Social Abuse

child labor in nepal

Child labor: a social abuse

All people from their birth to the age of puberty are children. They are all delicate, innocent, and dependent. They are not capable of making the right decisions. They need good care and support from their family and community. The future of the nation highly depends upon the level of care being provided to its children who are sensitive and receptive. Actually, children are the future builders of their nation and everyone has responsibilities to contribute to their all-round development.


  • It is estimated that about three million children in Nepal are child laborers
  • Thousands of orphans, homeless and deserted children are living in the streets.
  • Many of these child laborers are vulnerable to physical and mental torture.
  • It is also heard that many child laborers are employed as sex workers.
  • There should be collective responsibility in the society to exterminate child labor.
  • Child labor should be made illegal and punishment should be passed on to those who employ children in work.

There are about millions of small children who are employed in many works in the world. In many developing countries, sample cases of child labor are reported. It is estimated that about three million children in Nepal are child laborers. They work in agricultural farms, industries, and factories in various conditions of hardship, deprivation, and danger, Some are even bonded as slaves. Many of these child laborers are vulnerable to physical and mental torture.

The under-aged children are employed and they don't get proper food and salaries. It is also heard that many child laborers are employed as sex workers. They are greatly abused in the different city and urban areas. Thousands of orphans, homeless and deserted children are living in the streets. Even those few sheltered in child centers are not safe and well-cared. As a matter of shame, every year thousands of girls are trafficked to India where they are made & to serve as prostitutes. Sometimes, criminals find children very reliable tools to engage in many illegal works. All these factors have made child labor accessible.

There are various reasons for child labor. The common ones are poverty, lack of education, traditional and agricultural activities lack implementation of effective laws and rules, people still practice child labor in the society. Similarly, poverty, ignorance, and lack of education, child labor this prevalent in the society, though it has been made illegal by the government.

child labor in nepal

There should be collective responsibility in the society to exterminate child labor. The government must make a tight regulatory system to watch over the cases of child labor. Though everybody knows that child labor is illegal, it has not come to practice due to a lack of effective social campaigns. In this, social awareness, education campaigns at the local level may be helpful assets to finish child labor in society. Broad social awareness against child labor should be brought to society. At the same time, child labor should be made illegal and punishment should be passed on to those who employ children in work.

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